I'M BACK!!!! 8-25-03 And here is the NEWEST map! Sorry it is a slightly older level, but since a lot of people visit the Planes I thought I would start with the Plane of Justice. If anyone on Fennin Ro is interested in helping me get to tougher areas to map, please contacct me at wwazman@wwaz.com ! Thanks!
There is now a MIRROR of this site. Please visit either
http://rayforrd.tripod.com or http://rayforrd2003.tripod.com Rayforrd.tripod.com has become overwhelmed (THANK YOU!) but the files are now at rayforrd2003.tripod.com too!
If you have Star Trek Voyager Elite Force, you can now also play the ZONE of Nadox - EF style! This is what I'm doing when not playing Everquest hehe. Frag about or wander about in this cavelike dungeon HERE
Currently, only a few maps available, (other than the ones Verant included) but here's what you do.
1: Be OFFLINE to get these maps unless not in the zones listed.
2: RIGHTCLICK on one of the files below, choose Save As,...
3: Place the map into your Everquest/Maps Directory.
4: Ingame, go into a zone, and hit the BACKSPACE key to bring up the map. WHALAH!
NOTE : If you place a map in a zone you are already in, it will override what map you have already drawn, if you've started making your own maps. (usually it won't even take place because you're online at the time) Not recommended for zones you've pored hours over! Also, not recommended to be in the zone you are downloading a map for, or at least zone and rezone. Best is to add these offline.
(ALL MAPS - unless indicated otherwise - are made by me,
Rayforrd, 54 druid on Fenninn Ro. If I have made a con noted on the map,
on a npc, it is to a 54 druid.) My Epic piece
Click here for the Arena Event on
sunday, March 10th 2003
Currently the maps I have done are only tier 1, not having the level 2 and 3, just level 1.
Would YOU like to SUBMIT a MAP?
click here to email me a map
(UPDATED for almost the last time with more info and typo correction especially the zone to STONEBRUNT, not Tenebrous, Mountains. Also added the missing city buildings in the Broken Skull area near Dulak Harbor zone. 3/2/03) |
(PARTIAL, incomplete but with a good idea where to go UPDATED 2/28/03 now with APPROX. 95% of zone. Missing is the exit to Hates Fury, but the tunnels leading there all have RED see through invis monsters. Some other time then! =) |
100% done map, done 2/26/03. The Picture on the right is looking down from the bridge smack dab in the middle of Torgiran mines, overlooking the lava. This is some sort of tentacle creature that lives down there. There is clipping blocking you from falling down there, and I see no way to get down there (not that I'd really WANT to) but it's pretty cool to look at. I call her Lucy the Lava Lotus. |
Pretty cool!
100% done map, done 2/26/03. This one REALLY freaked me out when I got to the hidden caves. I had to stop playing after that so I could get my nerves calmed down. EEEEESH!!
Done on 3/7/2003 by Rayforrd. Mapped all the caves tunnels and water portions. Did not map all the goblin, sarnak and Iksar settlements, but you're free to add to this map on your own. =) Preview Picture did not come out as well because there was SOOOOO much information. Trust me, I got the whole zone! |
Maps by Runengetum, level 51 Ranger of The Khazi Traveling Circus One of the better free zones to download -- unless you're a ranger or druid =P which can't fight the bears or wolves. The upside though is there's a bunch of gnolls and poachers to fight, so if you're into defending the Glade, this is where you want to be.
This is the partially done map
of the Plane of Justice. The reason I did not do all of it was that there
were some areas I could not reach without a massive raid party and I can't
map the Tribunal process (to my knowledge).